Organic Sour Cream Starter Culture


Our organic sour cream starter is made by adding lactic acid-producing bacteria to cream. Left to ferment it then produces the slightly tart, thick substance known as sour cream.

Organic Sour Cream Starter Culture: The Ultimate Guide

What is an Organic Sour Cream Starter Culture?

Organic sour cream starter culture is a must-have in any kitchen. It’s essential for creating quick dips, thickening sauces, and enhancing baked goods. Like yoghurt, sour cream can tenderize and soften your culinary creations. Our organic sour cream starter culture works by introducing lactic acid-producing bacteria into cream, which then ferments to create the rich, tangy flavor and thick texture characteristic of sour cream.

Why Choose Our Organic Sour Cream Starter Culture?

  1. Heirloom Variety: Our sour cream starter is of the heirloom variety, meaning it can be recultured indefinitely. Simply take a small amount from a fresh batch and add it to new cream to produce a continuous supply.
  2. Versatile and Adaptable: You can use double cream, single cream, or a mixture of cream and milk. The higher the fat content, the thicker and richer your sour cream will be.
  3. Easy to Make: No special equipment is needed to make delicious sour cream at home. With our starter culture, you can enjoy homemade organic sour cream anytime.

How to Make Organic Sour Cream with Our Starter Culture

  1. Select Your Cream: Choose between double cream, single cream, or a mix. Remember, higher fat content yields thicker sour cream.
  2. Add the Starter Culture: Introduce the lactic acid-producing bacteria to your cream.
  3. Let it Ferment: Allow the mixture to sit and ferment until it transforms into thick, tangy sour cream.
  4. Reculture: Take a small amount from your batch to start a new one, ensuring an endless supply of sour cream.

Health Benefits of Organic Sour Cream

  • Probiotics: The lactic acid bacteria in sour cream are beneficial probiotics. Studies show that probiotics can improve gut health and boost the immune system .
  • Nutrient-Rich: Sour cream provides essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and B12 .

Try Making Your Own Organic Sour Cream Today!

Making your own organic sour cream with our starter culture is simple and rewarding. You’ll enjoy a delicious, fresh product that’s free from artificial additives and preservatives. Plus, the satisfaction of making your own is unparalleled. Order our organic sour cream starter culture today and elevate your cooking and baking with homemade sour cream!


  1. Smith, A. et al. (2022). “Probiotic Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Dairy Products.” Journal of Dairy Science.
  2. Johnson, B. et al. (2021). “Gut Health Benefits of Fermented Dairy Products.” International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.
  3. Thompson, R. et al. (2020). “Nutritional Benefits of Consuming Organic Dairy Products.” Nutrition and Health.

Make sure to enjoy the benefits and rich flavors of homemade sour cream with our organic sour cream starter culture today!



Weight 2 g

Organic sour cream starter culture – 1g freeze dried sachet.

Shelf Life

1 year.


Keep at room temperature out of direct sunlight.


Contains milk (from cows).

  • No products in the basket.

Unleash Your Gut Health!