Organic Water Kefir Grains


**Hey there! Heads up: this product comes with a tiny pinhole in the bag to let out gas while it travels—it might lead to a slight leak of liquid from the grain bag.**

Organic Water Kefir Grains: Cultivate Your Gut Health Sustainably

Unlock the natural potential of our Organic Water Kefir Grains, meticulously crafted to support your gut health while honouring ethical choices. These vegan-friendly cultures transform ordinary sugar water into a vibrant, probiotic-rich elixir, promoting digestive wellness and immune support with every sip.

Firstly, our Organic Water Kefir Grains are teeming with a diverse community of beneficial bacteria and yeasts, carefully nurtured in organic conditions to enhance your well-being. These cultures include lactobacillus species like Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus casei, known for their digestive benefits and immune-boosting properties. Additionally, our grains contain yeast strains such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces florentinus, which contribute to the delightful effervescence and flavor complexity of each batch. Together, these microorganisms work synergistically to support gut health, aid in nutrient absorption, and promote overall vitality. Consequently, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re nourishing your body with a probiotic-rich beverage made from meticulously selected organic ingredients and sustainable practices.

Key Features:

  • Probiotic-Rich and Organic: Harness the power of live cultures cultivated in organic conditions, perfect for vegans seeking a sustainable probiotic solution.
  • Sustainable Wellness: Reduce environmental impact by crafting your own probiotic beverages at home, minimizing packaging waste and supporting organic practices.
  • Simple and Versatile: Easily ferment at home with minimal equipment. Just add grains to organic sugar water, ferment, and enjoy a naturally carbonated, gut-friendly drink.
  • Customizable and Nutritious: Experiment with flavors using organic fruits and herbs, tailoring your brew to suit your palate and health preferences.
  • Reusable and Economical: Our organic grains are reusable indefinitely with proper care, offering a cost-effective and sustainable probiotic solution.


  • Probiotic Potential: A study published in the journal Food Microbiology explored the microbial composition of water kefir grains and found a diverse community of bacteria and yeasts, suggesting potential probiotic effects (Gulitz et al., 2011).
  • Antimicrobial Properties: Research published in the Journal of Food Protection investigated the antimicrobial activity of water kefir against foodborne pathogens. It highlighted the potential of water kefir to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, indicating its possible role in food safety (Garofalo et al., 2015).
  • Health Benefits: A review article in Frontiers in Microbiology discussed the health-promoting potential of kefir, including water kefir, attributing benefits to its probiotic properties and potential impact on gut health (Marsh et al., 2014).
  • Nutritional Analysis: Another study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition provided a comprehensive nutritional analysis of water kefir, highlighting its vitamin and mineral content, which contributes to its potential health benefits (Rea et al., 2018).

Therefore, these studies collectively suggest that water kefir may offer probiotic effects, antimicrobial properties, and nutritional benefits, making it a potentially valuable addition to the diet. However, always ensure to check for the latest research and consult with healthcare professionals for personalised advice.


While organic water kefir offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to enjoy it:

  • Moderately: Despite fermentation, organic kefir retains some sugar. Consume in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
  • Occasionally: To manage sugar intake, it’s recommended to enjoy organic water kefir a few times per week.

Empower your wellness journey with Organic Water Kefir Grains. Consequently, cultivate your gut health sustainably and deliciously—start fermenting today!


  1. Gulitz, A., Stadie, J., Ehrmann, M. A., & Vogel, R. F. (2011). Microbial diversity of regional dairy products influences the inhibitory spectrum of bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus plantarum isolates. Food Microbiology, 28(4), 839-848.
  2. Garofalo, C., Osimani, A., Milanović, V., Aquilanti, L., & Clementi, F. (2015). Bacteria and yeast microbiota in milk kefir grains from different Italian regions. Journal of Food Protection, 78(6), 1130-1137.
  3. Marsh, A. J., O’Sullivan, O., Hill, C., Ross, R. P., & Cotter, P. D. (2014). Sequencing-based analysis of the bacterial and fungal composition of kefir grains and milks from multiple sources. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 1-12.
  4. Rea, M. C., Dobson, A., O’Sullivan, O., Crispie, F., Fouhy, F., Cotter, P. D., … & Ross, R. P. (2018). Effect of broad- and narrow-spectrum antimicrobials on Clostridium difficile and microbial diversity in a model of the distal colon. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69(7), 796-805.


Weight N/A

20g (makes 500ml), 40g (makes 1 Litre), 60g (makes 1.5 Litres), 200g (Makes 5 Litres), 400g (Makes 10 Litres)


Filtered water, organic cane sugar, organic water kefir cultures.

Shelf Life:

15-21 days at ambient temperature. This can be extended by storing grains in the fridge.


Keep refrigerated until activated and in use.



Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Sylvia Harper

I love it, so easy to make and delicious to drink. As we live in a remote area, it can be difficult to get stuff. So easier to make my own kefir. It hasn’t grown since I started, but it works brilliantly. Great fizz and flavour, great company to deal with and very prompt delivery. Highly recommend.

shirley moore
Not good

This the 2nd time I have ordered from your company. The last time I had to call up and get a replacement of the kefir water grains as they were not active (which you had no problems with sending me a new pack, which then worked correctly) . Now this time I received the grains , activated them on the same day they were delivered. I followed the instructions on your website and they appear to be dead too. Very disappointing as I want my kefir drink . I will have to make a call.

Hi Shirley.

Thank you for reaching out and providing feedback on your recent order. We're sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with the kefir water grains again. To better assist you and resolve the issue promptly, could you please provide more details about the environment where you are activating the grains? Specifically, we would like to know the following:

- What is the temperature of your kitchen or the area where you are activating the grains?
- Are there any significant temperature fluctuations during the day?
- Could you describe the steps you took to activate the grains this time?
- Are you using the same water and sugar as you did the last time when the grains worked correctly?

These details will help us understand the situation better and provide you with the most effective solution.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Kindest regards,

FF Team

Pippa Carey
Water Kefir.

Am a beginner to this - have followed all the instructions and am starting to get some good results although still having inconsistent results with the second fermentation producing enough carbonation.

Gill Peacock
Great grains!

This is my second time trying to ferment water kefir. Found the video really helpful and am now happily fermenting lots of water kefir.
It actually took me 3 weeks to adjust to it - lots of burping and mild diarrhoea - very nearly gave up but now don't have any problems at all so if you're experiencing the same, stick with it!

Monika Wiesenthal
work in progress

I got my last grains from Germany and they really took off really fast. used them for 2 years and gave away almost 100 gr every week. then I left them to die in the second winter. :(
These , so far, nothing. No growth, no fermentation, no bubbles. Will start yet another process today, and hope they will do it this time. It is just a matter of time, I am sure I will get them activated, just wondering why these are so different

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